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GramArt proudly presents: Ralph Murphy - Murphy's Law to Song Writing
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30am - 12:30pm @ Bootleg
    Ralph Murphy – How to write that radio smash hit!

    Throughout the years, Canadian songwriter Ralph Murphy has achieved near-legendary status in Nashville through his career as a performer, producer, songwriter, publisher, and most recently, Vice President of International and Domestic Membership, ASCAP. Ralph has compiled some amazing tips and hints to help songwriters hone their craft and improve their chances of penning the elusive number one radio hit.Thursday 16.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 1.

    Friday 17.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 2.

    Do you want feedback on your song at Ralph Murphy’s workshops during by:Larm?
    Please send your song (mp3) plus your lyrics to hilde@gramart.no in advance.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Facebook
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. In this session, we’ll be taking a deeper look at the world’s most colossal social network.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail.
    This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. The session will include hands on tips and advice which you will be able to immediately apply to your artist’s Facebook page in order to maximise Likes and engagement. The session will be concluded by examining some of the most successful apps and campaigns on Facebook from musicians with every level of finance. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: YouTube
    Thursday February 16, 2012 2:15pm - 3:15pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. This session will provide hands on advice for getting noticed on the popular video platform, but also exploring tools for creating video content.Music Allys ledere kommer alle fra en solid musikkbransjebakgrunn, fra den spisse enden av majorlablene og publishingselskapene, og har bred erfaring innen digital markedsstrategi, lisensiering og detaljhandel. Dette betyr at Music Ally forstår sammenhengene og politikken som driver de sentrale prosessene innen musikkindustrien, underbygget med tilgang til omfattende markedsdata, forbrukerforskning, utviklingsanalyse og trendforskning. I løpet av økta om YouTube vil vi også diskutere teknikker for å maksimere inntektene til innholdsleverandører og ta en titt på andre populære videonettsteder. Timen avsluttes med eksempler på kampanjer fra artister og merkevarer som med hell har brukt video for å kommunisere med sitt publikum. Sarah Lewin er redaktør av Sandbox, Music Allys digitale publikasjon om musikkmarkedsføring. På Music Ally har hun skrevet et kapittel i “The MMF usigned book on live touring”, har jobbet på en rekke forskningsprosjekter for små og nyetablerte musikkforetak, plateselskap, musikkselskap og bransjeorganisasjoner. Hun har også blant annet levert trening i digital markedsføring for EMI internasjonalt.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Brak presenterer - Kurs i utenlandsturné
    Thursday February 16, 2012 3:30pm - 5:30pm @ Bootleg
    En innføring i arbeidet bak, under og etter en turné i utlandet. Ivar Peersen fra Enslaved og manager Tonje Peersen øser av sine erfaringer fra lang fartstid på veien. Her vil de gå inn på planlegging, buss vs. bil, merch, ATA-Carnet, visum, rider og alt du trenger i den sammenheng. Dette er kurset for deg som skal eller vil ut i verden.Brak er interesseorganisasjonen for det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane. Brak driver landets første regionale kompetansesenter for rytmisk musikk, og skal bidra til å bedre og tilrettelegge rammebetingelser for musikkmiljøet. Vår visjon er at regionen skal være et attraktivt sted å etablere seg og virke i, som aktør i musikknæringen. Brak har siden opprettelsen i 1997 fungert som kontaktpunkt, kompetansehevende organ og en hjelpende hånd for aktørene innen det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i regionen. Brak feirer 15 år i 2012, noe som skal markeres under by:Larm. I anledning jubileumsmarkeringen tar Brak tar med seg tre tidligere suksessfulle kurs som blir en del av seminarprogrammet.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)



GramArt, MØST og AKKS presenterer: Myter, musikk og media - historiefortelling i musikkbransjen, og hvorfor det er så viktig
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00am - 12:30pm @ Bootleg
    Hvorfor får musikkbransjen annerledes dekning i media enn andre bransjer? Hvordan oppstår myter? Hvordan kan vi best arbeide med våre egne historier og hvordan vil jeg/vi oppfattes?Med basis i medie- og kommunikasjonsvitenskap samt bruk av sosiologiske modeller, gjøres et dypdykk i musikkbransjens historiefortelling. Med lang erfaring som pressesjef på Hultsfred, turnerende artist, foredragsholder i musikk og Event Management ved Linnaeusuniversitet i Sverige, går Maria Engström Østby gjennom hvordan vi alle bruker mytene, hvordan de reflekteres i mediene og viktigheten av å ta kontroll over sin egen historie – både i ord og bilder.

    Deltakerne er velkomne til å bringe sine egne historier i form av biografier eller andre tekstpresentasjoner, eller bilder, så gir Maria sine kommentarer til hver enkelt.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Twitter
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. In this session, we’ll be examining the micro blogging site that has a vast importance in the music business today.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail. This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. Not only will we be dissecting the components that make Twitter tick, we’ll also be looking at some of the most effective low budget tools that anyone can use to get the most from this social network. The session will be concluded by looking at what we can learn from some of the most interesting and creative campaigns using Twitter. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Advertising
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:15pm - 3:15pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. This session will be focussed on the self service advertising networks which anyone can use to promote their band.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail. This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. This session will be looking at the opportunities and limitations of advertising music and tips for a creating a successful advertising campaign. The session will be concluded by examples of creative advertising that could inspire your next campaign. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


TONO – låtskrivernes organisasjon
    Friday February 17, 2012 3:30pm - 5:30pm @ Bootleg
    TONO forvalter komponistenes, tekstforfatternes og musikkforlagenes rettigheter i musikkverk. Lær mer om TONOs virksomhet og hvordan du som lager musikk kan få betalt når musikken din brukes.Lager du musikk eller tekst til musikk?
    Blir musikken din spilt offentlig eller innspilt på plate?
    Spiller du egen eller andres musikk live?
    Hva med musikken på din egen hjemmeside? I den første timen blir det presentasjon av TONO og praktisk info for nye og eksisterende medlemmer. I time 2 kommer TONOs medlemsservice for å gi råd og svare på spørsmål.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


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